
Packer and Rigger training is a natural progression within our sport, if you find yourself at the drop zone lacking funds to jump you have a potential way to generate funds by packing for Students, Tandems, Teams, Instructors and Sports Jumpers. Gaining these qualifications will also deepen your knowledge of how your canopy and you will also spend less time on the packing mat! If you are interested in one of our regular courses please read the description below and get in contact with us to discuss things further.

Packer B – Gaining your Packer B is the first step after your initial AFF / Static Line training. Mee Loft hold Packer B courses 3-4 times per year. This course is generally run in a group situation (4 – 5 max) and will take 4 solid days to complete, however we do offer this course on an individual basis as well, we can tailor it to suit your strengths and needs, this is only available upon request.

During your Packer B course we will cover various packing techniques such as flat packing, pro packing, psycho packing and also tandem rigs. To be eligible for this course it is recommended you bring a mental sponge full of enthusiasm and a sprinkling of willingness to learn! Some basic packing techniques under your belt wouldn’t go astray either.

Packer A – The Packer A course is the next step up from Packer B. It is a much more involved course. Upon completion you will have the knowledge, skill set and qualifications to pack reserve parachutes for all APF Students, Tandems and Sports Jumpers. Strong packing skills are essential for this course. Training for Packer A is strictly 1 on 1 basis. The course will consist of a minimum of 10 training reserve repacks, with self-study. You will complete roughly 2 -3 reserve repacks per day as well as cover a comprehensive program to ensure you are prepared once you have completed the course.

Rigger – By appointment only

**Please feel free to contact us directly to discuss any questions you might have.