The main has a minimal 133 jumps and can be packed into any rig that takes a 135-150 main normally. That means you don't have to wait for the sexy sleek container that you wanted to buy - just make sure the CI is happy with your reserve choice first and then its onto the Sabre3-150 - but start looking now as they are rare as buggery used!
ESC ID 1369 / $3,750
Pulse 170
- DOM : April 2021
- Type of line: Vectran
- Line condition : Great
- Canopy condition : Excellent
- # of jumps: 133
Additional information :
Performance Designs Canopy Info - click here
Performance Designs pack volume chart - click here
If you have any questions or would like to purchase this product, please CONTACT US HERE (Remember to put down the ESC ID 1369 as reference when completing the form) or call us on 0475 301 528.