Mee Loft | Sales - Rigging - Rentals

Sabre3 - 190 (Brand New)

  • Sale

Australian Dollar Prices at current exchange rate available upon request

Brand New, still in the bag straight from Performance Designs.  Save close to $1,000!  What more do you need to know?  Colour?  Stock colours Black / White / Red

ESC ID 1363 / $4,500

Main  Sabre3-190

- Type of line: HMA 700

- Line condition :  Brand New

- Canopy condition : Brand New

- # of jumps: 0

Additional information : 

Performance Designs Canopy Info - click here

If you have any questions or would like to purchase this product, please CONTACT US HERE (Remember to put down the ESC ID as reference when completing the form) or call us on 0475 301 528.